Dear ECMO Classic riders and friends,
After 2 years of Corona, the number of participants in the CEC has almost halved, which has meant that we only had 1 applicant for a race. ECMO makes no sense like this, the many applications for changes to the regulations, especially the age of the machines, are not in the spirit of ECMO. We made major ...
The new start and cooperation with the ECMX Cup has been a success. 160 - 203 riders on three Super Classic MX tracks in Sverepec, Schwanenstadt and Culitzsch have shown us that we are on the right track. The foundations have been laid for the continued existence of classic motocross. It is no longer like before Corona, the words of praise from many ...
Auf dem Motocross-Areal im slowakischen Sverepec fand am vergangenen Wochenende der Auftakt des ECMXCup Classic Cups mit Teilnehmern aus 13 Ländern statt. Vier deutsche Classics-Piloten erreichten das Podium.
Das Motocross-Areal von Sverepec (Slowakei) galt in den 1980er Jahren als eine der modernsten Motocross-Anlagen Europas: Von einer stählernen ...
ECMO v. 4.02 (120924)