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We hope that you are all well and remain careful.

Once again, like last year, we must send a sad message. We have been overtaken by reality, and so we have to cancel, in close consultation with both clubs, the CEC's 2021 in Jinin (CZ) and Offenbach (DE). Ramonchamp (FR) had been cancelled some time ago.

This is of course very sad for you as a rider. We haven't seen and spoken to each other for so long But it is also very unfortunate for the clubs/organizers, who would have liked to organize something beautiful for us all. Planning, sponsoring, emergency services, marshals etc. etc., all is back to square one. We really hope that these organizers, with their beautiful tracks, will still organize for ECMO in the future. At this moment we can only say, thank you for your willingness, commitment and effort. It is a sad story so far, but we really hope that in September the sun will shine again over the Classic Cross and that we can really have our CMCdN in Culitzsch (DE).

Hopefully till then. Please be careful and don't underestimate the virus! Stay safe! The Board of ECMO

Home of classic motorcross

ECMO v. 4.02 (120924)