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Dear Sportfriends,

Soon we will finally start again with the CEC competition. The registrations (via the ECMO site, see Calendar-Entry Form), have already started and on May 7th we have the first race in Stribro (CZ). Let's hope that after 2 seasons lost by Covid19, we finally manage to do our beautiful classic motorsport again.

All 2 years older, but I hope no less enthusiastic to cross with those beautiful classic bikes. It promises to be a wonderful season on completely different tracks. The second race in Rhenen (NL) and the third in Casale Monferrato (IT) also promise to be special races in connection with the anniversaries of the clubs.

We hope to see many of you at the opening race of the 2022 season, the AMK Stribro is ready and welcome you on May 7th at their traditional track.

Have a safe and beautiful journey and see you in Stribro.

Board ECMO

Home of classic motorcross

ECMO v. 4.02 (120924)