Category: News Update


Dear ECMO Classic riders and friends,

After 2 years of Corona, the number of participants in the CEC has almost halved, which has meant that we only had 1 applicant for a race. ECMO makes no sense like this, the many applications for changes to the regulations, especially the age of the machines, are not in the spirit of ECMO. We made major ...


Dear Friends,

We still have to deal with measures regarding the pandemic. Also now we have to adjust the calendar again in the hope that at the end of June, we can travel free and so also have our CEC's.

The CEC-1 has moved, by consultation between ECMO and the club in Jinin (CZ), for one month, from May 22 ...


Dear Friends, It is been too long since we had the opportunity to greet each other at an ECMO race. Do you remember? September 2019 in Marum NL, the CMCdN. And when will it be again? We have to be patient for the near future and wait and see when it is allowed to travel free throughout Europe again. Fortunately we have some ...

Home of classic motorcross

ECMO v. 4.02 (120924)