2022-01-31 Dear classicmotorsport friends, It's been quiet around ECMO and classic motocross outside for a while, but that doesn't mean nothing happened internally. After 2 years of being in the stranglehold of Corona, it now seems to be going in the right direction and we can hope for a new season.
It is also a difficult time for the organizers ...
Dear Sports Friends, There has been little communication in recent weeks. The impact of the corona crisis is much greater than we originally thought and hoped. Hopefully you have endured well in terms of health with all those mutations and new outbreaks.
Yet we lost 2 full seasons to the virus. It was irresponsible for our international events, ...
Dear ECMO Friends,
As you will have read already, life in all its facets has simply continued, despite the 2 years of corona stop. So a lot of sad things did happen, but also a lot of nice and new things we discovered. We especially sympathize with those friends and families, who have been affected by sad things and the loss of a loved one.
But ...
Dear Classic motorsport friends,
Of course we hope that you are all doing well in terms of health. We can look to the future with hope now that corona is really on its way back. Who could have imagined that a virus in these modern times with all the science on our side, has taken the whole world hostage for about 2 years. Apparently we can't ...
Life goes on best sportfriends. Take the Olympics in Japan, without an audience and the athletes all double checked and living in a bubble and yet................................ The virus is still an erratic and difficult to catch phenomenon. Every time we see new outbreaks, so we need to vaccinate even better and more. But we are on the right track, ...
Dear Sport Friends,
For the second year in a row we had to decide to cancel the CMCdN in Culitzsch Germany on 11th September. With pain in the heart, but we must be realistic, knowing that reason must prevail over sentiment. At this moment there are too much uncertainties for the near future, due to the virus. ...
Dear friends, We really hope to have our CMCdN this season in Culitzsch. Looking back to some pictures from the last 10 years CMCdN, you get the taste again and you long for a new sportive meeting the more. You can find those pictures under the "Photos" page.
Stay safe and hopefully we will see each other safe and sound in Germany ...
ECMO v. 4.02 (120924)